My Inquiry Stuggles

If you can’t already tell from my lack of inquiry posts I have been struggling with implementing inquiry into my own learning. Inquiry based learning is something I find incredibly interesting but is very different from way I have learned in the past. I feel like today was a breakthrough for me I feel like inquiry is something I can explor and not fear after seeing the Psii school and understanding a real world application of inquiry at a real school. For me, I am so used to doing what a teacher tells me to do and working in a box and not thinking for myself about what I want to learn. I also felt like I had a plan and a idea of what I wanted to do but when it came to outing my idea into action I realized it was unrealistic because of the course load I already have. After my first post I soon realized I was not able to take on a huge project so different from the rest of my courses like what I was planning on doing. I wasn’t able to get all the supplies I wanted to do one massive painting as most of my old equipment was back home. Although I was still working on finishing smaller paintings and I was doing art at home for myself I felt like it wasn’t connected enough to what I had planned for my inquiry so I didn’t want to track or post about it. I also felt like I couldn’t change it because my first post set that idea in stone which I learned today is not what this inquiry project is about. By writing about my struggles with this project I am learning what not to do going forward and gaining a better understanding of how inquiry based learning works. Becoming more knowledgeable about how to be a learner and working through inquiry I feel like I will be better able to teach lessons based around inquiry learning to my future students.

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